CyberSafety and Democracy

We have helped pioneer the emerging field of cybersafety, which seeks to conduct research to make the Internet safer for its users.  Misbehavior on the Internet includes cyberbullying, and the spread of disinformation and fake news.  Towards this end, we have:
  • Co-founded the CU CyberSafety Research Center.  Go to that link to find our latest publications on cyberbullying and flasher detection, data sets for cyberbullying and information about the ACM CyberSafety Workshop.

We have expanded the definition of cybersafety to include threats to democracy posed by the Internet.  As a result we have:

  • Co-founded the Colorado Research Center for Democracy and Technology, consisting of about 20 interdisciplinary faculty and growing.  Our research projects in this space include understanding the role of critical thinking in the voting decisions of the electorate, machine learning-based detection of fake activism, and integrating cybersafety into CS undergraduate education.

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